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22 Ways That Show You Are From Philadelphia...

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Just Because...
Just Because...

Saturday, June 30, 2007

22 Ways That Show You Are From Philadelphia...

22. You hate Dallas. [Eagles baybee!]

21. You Realize your favorite dessert is "wooter ice."

20. You find yourself using "yo" and "youse guys" when talking long distance to your family. [Reese - CK or WHAT??]

19. You can spell Schuykill.

18. You pronounce Acme as "ACK-A-ME."

17. You think that $2,500 a year for insurance on a 1977 Toyota Corolla is a bargain.

16. You find yourself in a nice restaurant thinking "I wonder if they have cheese steaks?" [Not in O-Town I don't *LOL*]

15. You sleep soundly through gunfire and ambulances.

14. You visit New York and are impressed by how clean it is.

13. You believe the car on your left (with turn signal flashing and the driver pointing at your lane) wants you to close the gap with the car in front of you.

12. You can't eat french fries without Cheese Whiz.

11. You call sprinkles on top of your ice cream cone "jimmies."

10. You don't think Wawa sounds funny.

9. You snub a cheese steak that is not on an Amoroso roll.

8. Your parents, brothers, sisters, aunts and uncles all live on the same block.

7. You know who Jim O'brien is and how he died.

6. You can't imagine lunch without a Tastykake. [Can I tell you how excited I was when I saw that we get Tastykakes here in Orlando - jus' a little bit of home - and thankfully it was in the only place that makes authentic Philly Cheesesteaks because these guys are actually from South Philly]

5. You're still not sure about Jerry Penacolli. [Is anyone sure about Jerry Penacolli??]

4. A vacation down at the Jersey Shore (pronounced "shoore") is better than going to an island because there is more stuff to do and you know everyone.

3. You know where to find the Rocky statue.

2. You know that only tourists go to Geno's, Pat's and Jim's for authentic cheese steaks. You only go there if you are drunk and it's 3:00 a.m. [or if we actually want to see Geno - that guy is a doll! Let's just say Pat's is touristy. I like Jim's as well, plus a picture of one of my former clients is on the wall from when they toured there]


1. You buy a soft pretzel at a traffic light without wondering where the guy goes to wash his hands. And you know what? You don't even care!


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