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Just Because...
Just Because...

Thursday, November 30, 2006


Well, today is the appointment with the cardiologist. I can tell I'm anxious because I woke up with pains yet again - but I have to remember that after last week, I might have done more damage than good by letting the family drama get me beyond stressed.

Plus - get this, my apartment complex, upon getting my letter/written notice of my intent to move January 31, 2007 decides to tell me that it isn't "sufficient" and that I have to fill out their special form and that I couldn't have it faxed to me for review, had to come in and they had to supervise me reading it. What the blankity blank blank *LOL*. I think they finally saw the wenchy side of me as I informed them that my 60 days starts running on SUNDAY, not tomorrow - dumbbutts that they are and that they are to fax the form for review, period. Bump that.

They want to know why I'm leaving... hmmm... let's see - the crime (constant robberies, rapes, etc. - but no murders yet - thank god), the dealer 2 buildings down, the fact that we have at least a 2 police car visit nightly to our little complex, the crazy neighbor downstairs with his gun, shall I go on... I don't think they really want me to detail all of that because, if I have to, I'd have to send a copy to the head of the new property management corporation just so he's aware. These guys are running it into the ground and I want no part of it. Roomie went down to the office after I got into a heated discussion with their rep yesterday and they again tried to tell her to just "sign the form" and her and I can read it later. How dumb do we all look. DOH!

So yeah - the stress is running rampant, but I'm looking forward to seeing what the doctor has to say. I do know I'm going to get the lecture to take better care of myself, but hopefully, *knock wood* that's all that is going on.


3 hrs without coffee and I called the cardiologist's office - they told me that today was not a battery of tests like my primary doc had told me, but an intitial office visit, meet & greet if you will. I'm telling them, "You got me paranoid... what the - I'm having anxiety attacks over here" the receiptionist laughed and told me to calm down and then they would schedule the tests as needed, but they don't bite. (I despise doctors - too many quacks I dealt with eons ago). Now - here's the kicker, I read my heart doc's bio - he didn't get his degree in the states (a big flag for me immediately thanks to too many warnings on tv & legal stuff); he's only been in practice here for a year (ummm.. newbie) AND, as Roomie was giggling about - he's mormon. Talk about an interesting meet and greet, ya think...

Posted by Lys :: 9:19 AM :: 1 comments

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