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Three Things Meme....

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Just Because...

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Three Things Meme....

Suburban Cupcake issued a challenge meme and, as I'm not one to shy from a challenge - here we go... If y'all want to go 'head and try it, let me know in the comments and I'll drop by and visit.

Three things that scare me:
1. Heights (and considering the heels on my shoes.. I should be immune, right?)
2. Crowded elevators/small rooms, etc.
3. Orlando Politics.

Three people that make me laugh:
1. There are more than three.. but I have to say, Meowmix, Bec & Reese.
2. The Divas.
3. JZ during one of his late night vent sessions.

Three things I hate:
1. Liars.
2. Wasting Time.
3. When People Drop the ball & no follow up.

Three things on my desk:
1. Venti Iced Nonfat Caramel Macchiato.
2. BIG bottle of Advil.
3. Cattiva Diva Hand Lotion.

Three things I’m doing right now:
1. Thinking "Is the day over yet?"
2. Trying to think of all the things that need to be done, but no inspiration to do them.
3. Hoping that traffic is not hellacious.

Three things I’d like to do before I die:
1. Smack Buddy Dyer (seriously!) And I'd like to whap him with a ladle please.
2. Go to Egypt, Italy & Ireland.
3. Hit the six figures mark.

Three things I can do:
1. Cook a mean arroz con pollo.
2. Twirl a baton (DON'T ASK!)
3. Rock a hot pair of 4" stilettos.

Three things I think you should listen to:
1. Luz Divina.
2. The Soundtrack from KA (Cirque de Soleil)
3. Waves crashing on a beach (so calming)

Three favorite foods:
1. Ice Coffee (is that a food - well, to me it is).
2. Butternut Squash or Pumpkin Amaretti Ravioli.
3. Creme Brulee

Three shows I watched as a kid:
1. Kidd Video.
2. Soul Train/American Bandstand/Dance Party USA
3. CHiPS (hey - I had a thing for Erik Estrada. Hey - I was 8. Yes, I know - it was a cop thing back then too - so sue me!)

Three things I regret:
1. Fighting with Nick before he died over something so stupid!
2. Not taking as much vacation time as I should.
3. Not breaking up with Mark earlier (like after he tossed me through a window.. grrrr - again, may I cite the young and stupid reference which applied to me back then).

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Posted by Lys :: 6:31 PM :: 2 comments

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