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Confession Time...

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Just Because...
Just Because...

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Confession Time...

As I've said before, this gal is a coffee addict. Ice coffee is a must for me to get through my harrowing days at work. Hell, even when I would tour I would tell my clients that even when we were in east butt Iowa/Ohio, I MUST have some sort of Ice Coffee.

So, with all that being said, I have a confession.

I. Cant. Make. Coffee.

There, I've said it. In all my 34 years, I have NEVER been able to make a decent cup of coffee to save my life. It's always been swill. Even my ex fiancee was known to spit out the dregs while exclaiming "What the **** is this ****!!".

My coffee maker has always been more for "decoration" much like my coffee grinder. You know, in case someone who CAN make coffee wants to? So, you can imagine my surprise this morning when I felt this overwhelming desire to try and make some coffee. No, not buy coffee. Actually MAKE a pot of coffee.

Cautiously, while making breakfast this morning, I cracked open my shipment of Gevalia coffee (hey - I got points and a free coffee maker for ordering!!). 10 minutes later, I'm drinking this fabulous hazelnut coffee and amazed. Its not swill. It tastes divine, like I got a cup at Dunkin' Donuts. AND my house smells amazing!

I'm. In. Heaven. AND, here's the kicker, it's not ICED.

So, I've passed my first hurdle. I'll be trying to replicate my experiment to make some ice coffee for the fridge. It doesn't mean that I'm cheating on Starhell, just might save it for when I need to get out of the office. Til then, I'll be making coffee myself.

Posted by Lys :: 3:01 PM :: 0 comments

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