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Oui! Oui!

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Just Because...
Just Because...

Monday, April 17, 2006

Oui! Oui!

Ok, I don't know WHAT started all of this, but lately I've noticed that my speech has been peppered with some quaint little French phrases, i.e. tres chic, manifique, non, etc. I don't know WHERE the hell I get this from - either watching Barefoot Contessa on the Food Network or the marathon of What Not To Wear or Vogue.. Perhaps there's some sort of French osmosis going on as I often fall asleep to the television… I have never, ever, taken a day of French in either High School or College. The only French I've learned has been from my fashion magazines and the movie Sabrina.

So, now I can swear in Spanish, understand some key Tongan phrases, tell someone that they are an old woman in Polish and now I am starting to rattle fashion phrases in French. Don't worry - there is no hope for Brit phrases AT ALL! Living in the land of the rat has erased ANY desire I may have once had to go to England. They can't drive on the right side of the road when they go to Disney and the phrase, Bloody Hell, makes me want to commit Bloody Murder!

Kat and Rosie, more often than not, will probably equate this new skill to my often disappearing Philly accent - don't know WHERE it comes from, but can't get rid of it for 3 weeks after it starts.

Posted by Lys :: 5:34 PM :: 0 comments

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