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My Little Princess..

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Just Because...
Just Because...

Monday, April 17, 2006

My Little Princess..

Behold, this is my little princess - spoiled beyond belief, but such an adorable little monster (when she is not trying to scratch or bite someone, namely moi!)

She had her yearly appointment at the Vet for shots and such on Friday, hence her posing for this pic. She's basically a good cat, but the poor thing was told that she needed to have an operation in a few weeks because she broke one of her back teeth and lost the other.

Do you know how quickly one's life flashes before their eyes when confronted with a very pissed off cat's fangs? The Vet didn't stand a chance. When the Vet said she had to have said operation, Shadow turned her head, looked at her and, I kid you not, gave out a very pointed hiss where the Vet took a couple steps back away from her. Shadow's not dumb.

So, I discussed the financing of said "operation" only to find out its going to be either $574 highball/ $350 lowball - (estimated). Ummm.. WHAT? That's easily quite a few pairs of shoes or my plane tix to Las Vegas. And, of course, Shadow doesn't have "pet insurance" so this is coming out of my emergency fund. My dad suggests to call her past vet from up north to take a look at the photos, etc. and let me know if this vet is trying to take me to the cleaners. I'm leery of this Vet only because she told me that Shadow needed "therapy" last year for her "anger issues" and wanted me to DRIVE with Shadow to Gainesville. Umm - HELLO! I don't think so. That would produce more anger issues, for both me and the cat. So yeah - I'm going to now question everything the doctor says.

Of course, once Shadow knows she's sick, the damn wench milks it for all its worth. Even when she has a cold, the cat will sneeze away and then give out this little plaintive meow, fully aware that Roomie will give the cat a cookie if she feels bad. Shadow's a born manipulator. So this weekend, it was a chorus of various pleading "Meows" to the "Don't bother me, I'm resting" growls to the "I need sunshine" howls. The cat got spoiled.

She then took out her anger issues on her buddy, the lizard, and tried to throw him over the balcony. She went into the kitchen and howled until she got her own little pork chop. She even tried to pilfer the Doritos. (Mind you, she rarely eats people food). However, when little miss princess pilfered my Hagaan Daz Light Blueberry Cheesecake Ice Cream, all bets were OFF! That, most definitely, is NOT for kitties, even if she broke her tooth.

Posted by Lys :: 5:56 PM :: 0 comments

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