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Supportin' The Troops...

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Just Because...
Just Because...

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Supportin' The Troops...

My friends know that I have a soft spot for the military. My dad was a Marine and both of my grandfathers fought proudly in WWII. I've been raised to respect our armed forces. So, after seeing the servicemen this morning at OIA, I got to thinking about my friends and family who have served (and are serving) our country. I wish I had gotten the soldiers' unit as there is a great website,, that sends care packages to our brave men & women fighting for our right to live free here in the US of A. Regardless of people's view on the war, we can't forget those that ARE overseas for us to maintain our blessed lifestyles. Now I'm NOT starting a political debate (nor do I care to), but those that are over there need a little cheerin' up.

Having perfected my lovely "Captain Morgan Chocolate Chip Cookies" for A. when he was over in Bosnia & Iraq (no booze allowed over there) and learning to send just the right thing for my sister when she was in Korea & Koscovo, I think a program like Sue runs over at is amazing. You have to be very careful to make sure that you follow the rules of the country to where you are sending items for the soldiers. The idea to send A. an inflatable sheep for his birthday from a group of our friends kinda got this gal in a bit of hot water (long story for another day). I don't advocate sending any questionable (even IF it is a joke) materials - the soldier might be a tad miffed.

Also, there is a site called where you can search by name, rank, branch, etc. and see exactly what that particular soldier's unit/etc.'s needs are should you wish to send a customized package.

There are so many people overseas that would love just a little reminder of home, whether it's a card, some Starbucks coffee, spices (heard that they are big over there), etc. so, if you can spare a little somethin' somethin' - please brighten a soldier's day today.

Posted by Lys :: 8:03 PM :: 0 comments

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