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Soapbox Time: Tabloid-Ism and the Celebutard

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Just Because...

Monday, September 10, 2007

Soapbox Time: Tabloid-Ism and the Celebutard

I kinda refrain from Celebrity Ranting on this blog, but I have had it up to HERE with the shenanigans of the recent Celebutards that are in the news... You know the normal crew, Lindsay, Paris Hilton, Nicole Ritchie, Jessica Simpson and, of course, the queen of wtf - Britney. We've got major issues in the world and the news is focused on the Celebrity Factor.

Well, I'm reading my gossip blogs online and lo and behold - Britney has done did it again. Yup, Ms. Britney has been spotted out sans knickers getting out of the car at the Bellagio. First the crappy performance last night, massive partying and pics online knowing she'll be in the tabloids and, yup - flashing the va-jay-jay yet again :::yawn:::

I really think that some of these celebutards have an emotional addiction to being in the tabloids. It's almost like they must be on the cover, in the glossy pages, heading the gossip blogs, etc. every week for them to feel validated. Perhaps they must have people consistently chattering about their latest exploit for them to feel "on top". Forget the fact that they are selling albums or in a movie. No - they have to go about crashing cars with the strong possibility of putting innocent people in danger, going to some sort of rehab for the umpteenth time, babies (in the recent "musings" of Ms. Hilton - "I want a baby" - or Jessica Simpson wanting to adopt...ummm.. can someone tell these gals that a baby is NOT a fashion accessory).

These "artists" (and I use the term loosely) appear to do anything of shock value just to get their names in the headlines. I won't even go down the road of their publicists (or them personally) calling the pappies to tip them off to where they are. And then shopping / frequenting certain pappy haunts i.e. Kitsons, Robertson Boulevard, The Ivy, Les Deux, etc. Also, I won't even fathom the idea that their publicists (or them personally) place any and all items, under the guise of any publicity is good publicity. NO - NO - NO!

Listen, there are other people that have things at stake here. In the case of Britney - without even delving into the whole custody drama/momma fighting/divorce/lollipop issue (and my heart breaks for her little ones with all that's been leaked and the upcoming custody battle), but let's talk from the business side - let's talk about the label. The label is putting out her album on November 13th. You can make damn sure that they got someone scrubbing those vocals because with as much partying as Ms. Spears has done lately, you know those vocal cords are going to be a mess. That's expensive. She can't write tracks to save her life, imo, so that's gonna cost money. Rumor had it that she was initially presented with Umbrella and she (or her team) dropped. the. ball. Yes - the runaway hit that garnered Rihanna the top prize was supposedly originally offered to Britney and she stalled. They've got major producers waiting on Britney for a kick-azz track and she's stalling. She's recording a bunch of "lackluster" tracks at best. So then Jive/The Firm (management) or whoever have her open the VMAS. What. A. Joke. The show was really not *all that*, IMO, but it was made MUCH worse by her "comeback" performance which really was a waste of time. There are so many other FABULOUS performers that could use a shot, but she just basically, as Perez says, insulted the viewers with her lackluster performance. And then she flashes her private parts to the world yet again. Like that's going to stop the headlines from "Crappy Performance" to "Oops she did it again". How much did her label lose and how long until they drop her.

Seriously - I'm about over the whole mess.

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Posted by Lys :: 3:39 PM :: 1 comments

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