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Adventures in Carpentry...

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Just Because...
Just Because...

Friday, October 16, 2009

Adventures in Carpentry...

One of the joys of moving was the purging I did at the Altamonte apartment.  However, part of the purge was the p.o.s. bookshelves that housed my books for years.  I figured I'd start fresh here in Philly - plus the bugs love that daggone particle board.  That way I wouldn't have any stragglers (more on that later)...

TarJay was having a huge sale and part of the sale were 3 shelf bookshelfs for $16.00 - perfect - I could use that for my cookbooks.   Today, after having quite the convo with someone who seemed to think that I was just your typical blonde, I decided to assemble the bookshelf and work out that brainpower (seriously - you want me to take a PAYCUT AND pay city/state tax - I. Don't. Think. So).

I'm convinced that forget waterboarding - these "easy to assemble furniture pieces" are disguised as Chinese torture assembly devices.  Put Part A in Part B - use dowels in Part E to attach to Part C - Twist your arm while trying to fit in Part H Blah Blah Blah.

Needless to say I have a third of a daggone shelf built, one screw that was protruding that I had to pull out and no way to attach the side panel to make the shelf complete.  P.O.S. I tell you.

I'll be working on this for a bit longer but trust me, I'll be cursing like a sailor during the entire assembly process while Wiggy "supervises" from his perch on the couch.

So NOT how I imagined a Friday...

Posted by Lys :: 4:42 PM :: 2 comments

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