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PSA to all SUV/Truck drivers in Downtown Orlando...

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Just Because...
Just Because...

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

PSA to all SUV/Truck drivers in Downtown Orlando...

I'm a tad miffed (okay - well more than usual). To the SUV/Truck drivers that park in downtown Orlando - we need to talk.

Please be advised that if you have a SUV or a TRUCK, that does not mean to park your vehicle in a space clearly labeled COMPACT CAR. COMPACT CAR means that - COMPACT CAR. Means SMALL VEHICLE. It's like the drivers have a type of car dsymorphic disorder - like they don't want to admit that their vehicle is MUCH bigger than my little Cougar which, by the way, is a small, compact CAR!

I have noticed that there is a growing trend in my job's parking garage that it is getting harder to manuver down the thin ramps and aisles because there are a number of SUVs & Trucks sticking out of the compact car spots. Not only that, these guys don't seem to realize that there is an importance in (A) Parking in the lines, (B) knowing that the spaces on the 3rd, 4th, 5th & 6th levels are smaller than those on the 7th, 8th and 9th which were built to accomodate said SUVS & TRUCKS, and (c) not an iota of curtesy for a fellow driver. I can't tell you the number of times I have almost gotten into a fender bender because there is a truck jutting out of one of the spaces as I am going up a ramp which I have to avoid and bearing down on me is a zealous banker/lawyer zooming down in the other direction thinking he's in the Daytona 500. Dude - C'mon.

Which brings up another PSA - To the over-excited bankers & lawyers who seem think our garage is their own private race track - you need to switch to decaf proto! Obviously - your little bout of manly racing - so not amusing.

Posted by Lys :: 6:35 PM :: 2 comments

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