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Don't Get Stuck On Stupid...

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Just Because...
Just Because...

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Don't Get Stuck On Stupid...

I'm reading one of my daily emails from a PR list I belong to and there is this email describing a press conference where the Mayor of New Orleans started to lose control of the media (yet again)... and Lt. General Honore decided to take matters into his own hands with the media. Now you all know the military and their penchant for not tolerating any b.s. so, after telling them a number of times to get to the important stuff and not "sweat the small stuff", Gen. Honore finally burst out with "Don't Get Stuck On Stupid"... I LOVE IT! Finally - someone addresses the media in a fashion I can appreciate. Don't get me wrong, I have a lot of respect for the journalists here in the country, but there are some that seem to think that they work for a London tabloid and are always looking for the "seedy underbelly" of even a sports score - C'mon people... lets move on - that's why the Star & National Enquirer are "light reading" and you save the important stories for Time & Newsweek.

In one of my previous jobs as a "cable wench" aka working in the "Cable Theft Division" (Yes - there is such a thing as cable theft... and it is a federal crime!!), I realized that basically I was a "paid bully" trying to settle cases and get to the heart of the problem and often, in getting one of the calls, I would have every name, phrase, Spanish cuss word, etc. tossed at me and I'd have to retort with something witty. It was great phone training for my dealings with telemarketers, Cingular, and the occasional bill collector, but I wish I had that phrase in my arsenal.

So my new phrase when I get someone who just doesn't seem to get a clue - "C'mon now, don't get stuck on stupid". It will definitely replace my overused "It's Not Rocket Science" phrase (for now at least". I will not lose, however, my trademarked "Let me speak and I'll let you speak." which I have found I have had to use many a time in dealing with my cell phone company when one of their untrained phone "representatives" decides to speak without thinking. Of course it has to be said in a low, menacing tone. Then I find that after that call I have to go buy a pair of shoes. (Didn't you get the memo - shoe shopping is relaxing for the soul. )

Ahhhhh.. now that felt good....

Posted by Lys :: 1:22 AM :: 0 comments

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