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The Wonders of TiVo...

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Sunday, October 09, 2005

The Wonders of TiVo...

Whoever invented TiVo should get a day in his/her honor. Seriously - thank you. Thank you for relieving SOME of the stress that could be caused by me missing yet another episode of Desperate Housewives. Gone are the days of me racing home down Rt. 535 from my shopping/coffee sunday excursions praying I set the VCR to tape DH or, by chance, I might make it in time. Gone are the days of me having to wake up at some ungodly hour on my weekend to catch Joel Osteen. Gone are the days of me having to EVER buy ANOTHER videotape AGAIN! Praise the Lord!!! Hallelujah!!!!

While it did take this former cable employee some time to install said DVR, I was comforted in the fact that DirecTV Employees were just as unsure how to install it. I had a "interesting discussion" with the technical specialist who, by her own actions, didn't seem to specialize in anything but looking for a page in her script. I somewhat felt bad for her, and felt worse for her supervisor who informed me that by me purchasing said DVR from Circuit City, that purchase meant I agreed to a 2 year ADDITIONAL contract. Never mind the fact that I've been a customer of theirs already. Whatever.. what can one do, right??

Missing CSI on Thursday was somewhat annoying, come Friday morning I was pleasantly surprised to see that the DVR had decided to make some television choices for me. I woke up to a brooding David Boreanez in Angel which started my day off on a much better note. I was able to set it up to tape some of my favorites and some of the new fall shows, i.e. Hot Properties (eehh..pilot episode.. don't know if it will make the cut), my normal Melrose Place (because one can never get enough of that debauchery!), DH, Grey's Anatomy, CSI, A&E's the First 48 and Boston Legal...

This weekend, while I blissfully did not stress (for once) and took my time doing everything, the DVR decided that I should watch:

New York Undercover
The Cosby Show
The Parkers
Everyday Italian
Semi Homemade Cooking
Beverly Hills 90210.

How considerate, right? If only it would bring me coffee....

Posted by Lys :: 10:41 PM :: 0 comments

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