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Crazed Busy But Okay...

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Just Because...
Just Because...

Friday, May 02, 2008

Crazed Busy But Okay...

I have a ton of emails and blog posts to catch up on so be prepared for the slew of comment luv and emails that I'll be sending this weekend - pinkyswear. Y'all are top priority. I know I've been a bit more quiet than norm, but I've been crazy busy both with OurBuddy's soiree and the 9to5. Things are developing fast and furious so I'm juggling 20 balls in the air. Next weekend will be scattered posts as I won't know if i can post daily - perhaps some celly pics via utterz or something so Blog365 doesn't penalize me.

Tonight, I did have a bit of comic relief chatting with OurBuddy (let's just say schedules got crossed). It dawned on me that next week (well from Thursday on), I'll be back in my city - Philly - and exactly one week from tonight, yours truly will have cocktail in one hand, and chattin' like a schoolgirl with some of my favorite people. Reese is flying in from LA, Meowmix is flying in from NH, I'm coming in from O-Town, our boy Andre is heading from Miami - basically people are coming from all parts of the country to celebrate OurBuddy's *20th* birthday. JoeZ will hopefully be there if he's not gigging that night and my gal Suz will probably start the call for shots upon arrival.

The other thing I'm looking forward to is seeing some people that we haven't seen in 20+ years. The blackberry has been buzzing like crazy and it probably won't stop for a while. It's going to be a night to remember - for all of us.

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Posted by Lys :: 10:05 PM :: 2 comments

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