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Food For Thought...

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Just Because...
Just Because...

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Food For Thought...

I'm headed to Philly in two days to go catch up with old friends, see new ones and just chill out. Other than that, I'm not super planned and I'm enjoying the idea. Part of me thinks I should be all "go go go" but the other side of me goes "Damn - I'm BARELY SCHEDULED - LOVE IT!"

So I'm thinking that I'm just going to chill out and wander through my favorite city, taking in all that I can and just letting life play out. My inner control freak is screaming "Lys - what the eff - are you short on coffee?" and the angel on my shoulder is telling the control freak that it needs to just stop.

And, while I was kinda irritated with a couple peeps and was planning on tossing a stiletto or two, after two raspberry lemon drops (SSG - Chambord + Lemon drops = heaven), I figured I'd let them out of the virtual doghouse and enjoy the time with them during the holiday season.

So, I had to wonder, when a gal stops trying to control the outcome of everything, is that when fate just taps you on the shoulder like a long lost friend and you have a moment of clarity...

Deep thoughts...

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Posted by Lys :: 11:30 PM :: 2 comments

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