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Jury Duty...

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Just Because...

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Jury Duty...

This Tuesday I have the pleasure of going to the Courthouse for "Jury Duty". Apparently, there is little to no chance of myself being excused the night before which causes a bit of dilemma. Tomorrow, I will have to cram 2 days of work again into one, and then head over the Courthouse at 8:00 Tuesday Morning - only to have to sit there until 3:00 when they excuse those sitting for jury.

My one consolation - on my Juror Questionnaire, it asks if I have any relative or close friends that are law enforcement. My response - "Why yes - my best friend, K., my friend F. are both active police officers up north. My friend B. is a former officer in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, currently involved in training our teachers in the art of "descalation" of an incident and, by the way, my childhood friend S. is a former Philadelphia police officer and is now a current FBI Agent - may I be excused?". Wonder if I tell them that at 8:00, they will send me packing.

Watch - I'll get a civil trial. Plus - in Orlando, I doubt anything can top my first trial I ever had to attend. In our Criminal Law theory class, we had to attend a trial and the one we got was a "lesbian butch hooker stabbed by a potential john with hedgeclippers". Doesn't that sound like something on Lifetime??

Instead, I will console myself by reading one of those books I SWEAR I'm going to catch up on and run to Starbucks prior to the oh-so-fun friskdown for my caffeine fix.

Posted by Lys :: 7:56 PM :: 0 comments

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