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It's a Small World After All...

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Just Because...
Just Because...

Monday, May 01, 2006

It's a Small World After All...

When I was growing up in New Britain, one of my best friends in the world was D. We hung out all the time. In the 2nd grade, I was convinced that I would marry her older brother, K., we'd be sisters in law and that the world would be just an amazing place. I have to laugh at that thought now.

One of my earliest memories is sleeping over her house once and K. would terrorize me with his KISS posters. Ugh! Her older sister was like that "cool older sister" that everyone wanted to be like. Amazing family. Sometimes, in my own way, I wished that I could trade out my mom for hers. Her mom was always so loving and caring and real. Something that my real mom was not.

Well, in 6th grade, my parents moved to Massachusetts and D. and her family moved as well. While I was in 8th grade, her mom passed from skin cancer. I think after D.'s mom passed, I looked at tanning differently then and, to this day, am always apprehensive about laying out in the sun. We were supposed to go to the funeral, but my mom doesn't deal with death well so I wasn't allowed to go. It was some time before our families would speak again. Then, over time, D. had developed some issues of her own and, while I tried to be there for her, time, distance and a whole bunch of factors just didn't allow it. Not to mention, there was always this "you weren't there" vibe between all of us.

When I went home a couple months ago, D. and her family came up in conversation. My mother decided to "tell me" that she ran into D.'s dad some time ago and he got remarried (which was awesome). I later heard from someone else that my mother acted VERY inappropriately towards him which I can attribute to her drinking. Any way you look at it, D.'s dad was great friends with my dad and I know my dad misses P.'s friendship. My dad is a good guy and knows that my mom has wackjob tendencies. I just hope and pray that P. knows that as well.

So, about a month ago, I was on and, just for the fun of it, typed in D. and D.'s brother's name. Don't you know - they both came up! I shot a note to both of them and no response. Tonight, I come home and there is an email from K. updating me on everything and the kicker, boy lives ONE HOUR FROM ME! He moved to Florida as well. I about burst into tears. Everyone is doing well. His dad retired, moved and is going to contact my dad. D. is doing awesome and is pregnant again, WITH TWINS. Between the three of them, there are kids to spoil. Just blessings all around.

I never really realized how much I missed these guys and, while I can get cranky with my mom for never letting us be there for the family, really I have to forgive her for it. I'm sure D.'s mom understands and knows that my mother was messed up back then. I'm sure her dad knows that (first hand).

So, I'm excited to reconnect with everyone. Sometimes, you never know the effect you have on a person's life. During my roughest hours, I can say that D. and K. were there during my parents divorce and that will always stay with me. I'm just thrilled that we all have a second chance.

Posted by Lys :: 11:20 PM :: 0 comments

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