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Overestimating Oneself...

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Just Because...
Just Because...

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Overestimating Oneself...

Well, I've been housebound since Saturday - no work, no coffee excursions, no shopping -nada. I've been trying to beat a bout of this flu and decided that should I emerge from my cocoon, I would be crazy.

All this afternoon, I wrestled with a decision - I want coffee - do I get coffee? I'm hungry and all I was craving was cheese. What the hell was wrong with me? I've been subsisting on Diet Green Iced Tea, regular Iced Tea and granola bars and an occasional biscotti. Last night I braved mac & cheese, but that, while comforting, didn't *ahem* do so well. My fridge is as bare as Mother Hubbard's cupboard and I didn't even DARE attempt to cook. And what is it with the flu and dairy - lifelong enemies.

The couch was my constant companion as I sat propped up with that damn expensive pillow, warmed by a blanket, the hand occasionally getting nudged by The Cat wanting attention yet again (either that or she was taking my temperature). Stuck on the couch, I watched repeats of The Rage: Carrie 2 on Chiller, some of my fave shows (48 Hours, Food Network, Friday the 13th: The Series and Millenium) and, frankly, about 8:00 p.m. tonight I decided I need air and human contact of some sort, even if it was a discussion with my coffee guy - however brief that may be.

Upon walking out of my apartment, it hit me. Dizziness, waves of nausea and the beginnings of a headache but still I soldiered on. I stopped off and grabbed some takeout and iced coffee for not only tonight but tomorrow morning in case the Nyquil knocked me out colder than Tyson's right hook. Knowing how woozy and tired I was feeling, I decided groceries would have to wait til tomorrow and grabbed a small milk from the local cooler at Dunkin'. If I could have curled up in a booth there, I probably would have.

There's something therapeutic about a calm night with a clear sky and a soft breeze that helps you value how blessed you are. Either that or it was how I was able to wave off the nausea and crawl back up to my apartment, settle into my little dent on the couch, propped up with that expensive pillow, the blanket and my little laptop watching yet another episode of 48 Hours: Hard Evidence and actually looking forward to going to the 9to5.

Apparently the flu has not departed my household.

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