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Wiggs Update and Why I Will NEVER Kennel Him At Preppy Pet Again...

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Sunday, June 21, 2009

Wiggs Update and Why I Will NEVER Kennel Him At Preppy Pet Again...

I'm a bit perturbed - let me rephrase - I'm SERIOUSLY perturbed. Wiggs is not the most graceful pug but, if anything, he's pretty damn healthy for a pug.

Until this week. When I got home from Philly, I picked him up from his kennel, Preppy Pet Suites in Longwood. I spoke to them last Saturday and they assured me he was just fine. When I picked him up, Mandy made the remark that he was "quite rambunctious". Fine - I understand that he's quite the pain in the ass and I was fine with it. He got home and I checked his bag to only find that most of his food was still in there. What the hell did they feed my dog? I mean, if I'm paying $160 for the pug to stay there, dammit, they will keep his diet as is. I tend to research what is fed to him after many food dramas and he's on a steady diet (sans the TooJays but that's occasionally). They took it upon themselves to feed him Cesars which is something that is on "clearance" at the supermarkets here and I don't know what the hell is in it. Their reasoning "He wouldn't eat his Chef Michaels" Sure he wouldn't - he's conning you for people food. If you leave it - he eats it. They could have told me this on Saturday and I would have advised them as such - not just "Oh he's just fine and behaving!" I had words with them and also asked that they please send me his collar which they neglected to put with his things (Note to Dana - I'm STILL waiting for it - please send it ASAP!). I was annoyed but not fully ready to break up with them yet.

Fast forward to yesterday - the heat index is unbearable - mostly it's 98 but with a heat index of 108-110. As Lesli can assure y'all, pugs and extreme heat is NOT good. So, I tend to keep him indoors. I'm still going through hell with the air conditioning drama here at the apartment (*ahem* Yo apartment management, perhaps we need a new compressor - stop putting a bandaid on a gaping wound, 'k??). However, he has a fan, steady supply of ice cubes and his new platinum fountain of chilled water. He's good. However his panting and hacking and wheezing had me wondering yesterday what the hell was wrong with him. He was up every hour on the hour moving across the bed to find a comfy spot. I even put in those "ice bricks" that you use with coolers under the sheets so he could lay on top of them. Still he was far from comfy and started dry heaving. Basically, it was a restless night for both of us and the cat who kept coming in the room to check on him.

This morning, I figured enough is enough and called his vet who, thankfully, is open 7 days a week (Altamonte Animal Clinic and Dr. Hart and Dr. Schnars seriously rock!) Jennifer, hearing the panic in my voice, told me that they would see him early this afternoon. First, I learned that he lost .7 lbs at the kennel - not good. In addition, after Dr. Schnars examined him, not only does he have a fever, but also a nasty case of kennel cough. $130 later from this appointment and I'm sure it will be more $$$ in 2 weeks at his follow up and my savings account is going "SERIOUSLY WHAT THE @@*#*@!" However, they take the best care of Wiggs and I'm thankful that they could fit him in today and catch it in time. They even advised that I present the bill to Preppy Pet for reimbursement but that just would never happen.

Preppy Pet, however, and I will NOT be friends and I think it's time that I have a bit of a come to Jesus session with them besides telling them that I will no longer utilize their services nor recommend them to anyone - ever! I entrusted them with my pug and this just is unacceptable. While I know that kennel cough can happen, it shouldn't have been this severe.

On a sidenote: what's funny is the look on the tech's face when I told her that Wiggs was at Preppy Pet. Granted he was there for 6 days but apparently it was 6 days too long and you know that face like that gal made to Carrie in Sex & The City when she brought up Aidan - yeah, that face was the tech's face at mention of Preppy Pet. Perhaps I'm not the only person that will be breaking up with them in the near future.

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