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Decoding the Meaning...

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Just Because...
Just Because...

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Decoding the Meaning...

You ever wake up from a dream KNOWING something is wrong?

I have those dreams every so often which prompts an email to those closest to me and most of the time, I'm spot on. I've had this since I was a child when I dreamed someone was breaking into our house and 2 hours later, it happened. Another time, I had a dream about a friend of mine in Philly that I hadn't spoken to in 13 years - turns out he was extremely sick and that dream opened the door for us to start talking again. So, when I have dreams that I know I need to pay attention to, I do.

As some might remember, one of my close childhood friends, Justine, passed away in 1990. She is rarely in my dreams (last time she was in a dream, it was 5 years ago) and, when she does appear, something is up. Last night, I had a dream about the group where a bunch of us were going to play softball (that in itself is a clue - I don't play softball - they don't allow stilettos on the field *LOL*). Well, she happened to be in the dream, dancing as she always is, and asked me about one of the guys in group. She wanted to know how things really were with him, and referenced a situation from years ago. First order of business when I woke up - email said individual.

I know it's not a "Hey - when you coming to visit?" because I was just in Philly and went to her stone on Monday. I can look at it one of two ways - everything is fine, and I just need to go home more often or somethings up and I need to plan to go back to Philly and soon.

Sometimes I wish dreams weren't so cryptic.


Posted by Lys :: 11:53 AM :: 0 comments

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