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The Laptop's Still Striking...

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Just Because...
Just Because...

Monday, January 28, 2008

The Laptop's Still Striking...

Yeah, Strike Day 2 at the Lys household as the Laptop is on protest. Somehow, I think it is refusing to cooperate because, per Kimmy's suggestion - it was put on a time out and has been so since I started blogging via Blackberry last night. I'm giving it a 2 day cooling off period and then either it powers up and behaves like the good lil' laptop it once was or I'm bringing it to the Laptop Doctor who will make it more painful than it should be (both on my wallet and the 'puter).

In other news, the Contest ended on Friday and *boom* not much of a participation level - but it's all good because ALL four entrants/commenters are getting a copy of Larry Winget's book, "You're Broke Because You Want to Be : How to Stop Getting By and Start Getting Ahead". I think its one of those books that must be read. He offends, sure, but he tells you the truth straight up, no chaser, which is more than I can say for many of the PF authors I've read. It's kinda like a doctor - I tell my doctor - "JUST TELL ME STRAIGHT" I can handle things much better that way. Regarding my finances, he's a finance doctor of sorts and really has made me think "Do I REALLY need that pair of shoes I don't adore" or "Do I REALLY need yet another pot?" (Well, I think I do but don't tell him that.) It's just one of those books that makes you take a good long look at yourself and think about what's going on in your financial world and what YOU can do to make it better - because, seriously, the only one responsible for you and your debt is really you. I can't blame H. solely for the cell phone drama - I should have NEVER put him on my plan to begin with (and should have paid attention when he ran up a $2,000 + cell phone bill in ONE MONTH!). I can't solely blame my student loans on Uncle Sam - I can only handle my bizness and be accountable. This book makes it clear - you are accountable for YOU. So, why not take the advice he doles out and do what you will with it? To those that are getting copies of the book, I'd love to hear your thoughts on it when you are finished.

SO - yeah, uninspired post tonight, but 'sall good. I'll be back blogging with a force by Friday - regardless of laptop strike or not.

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Posted by Lys :: 7:56 PM :: 2 comments

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