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Ask and Ye Shall Receive...

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Just Because...
Just Because...

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Ask and Ye Shall Receive...

I woke up this morning hella late. Well, truth be told, it's my own fault. It was one of those nights where I was up late chatting with MB and Jas, watching NCIS (the only way to counter all things The Show related) and just tossing and turning as my trip to Philly is really taking a toll on my psyche. I remember waking up and rolling over and the alarm - yeah, it knows not to bother me during those moods.

I woke up so late that while I was frantically trying to straighten my hair, select a decent outfit, and slap on some eye makeup, I started to pray "Please let this day go smoothly. I can't deal with the drama." Because, quite frankly, it seems that almost every day around here can begin and end with the "D" word. :::sigh:::

Well, I am happy to report that while I was late getting in, all is quiet, barely any traffic or stupid drivers, decent parking spot and the office coffee doesn't taste like swill. Not to mention, the normal drama has stayed far far away from yours truly and I'm heading out a bit early.

Kinda makes up for yesterday, just a little.

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Posted by Lys :: 5:31 PM :: 3 comments

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