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The One Where I Justify The Need For A 'Bucks Run...

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Just Because...
Just Because...

Thursday, September 18, 2008

The One Where I Justify The Need For A 'Bucks Run...

Picture this:

This morning I'm running behind schedule and zoom to my car. I quickly zip out of the apartment complex parking lot with no time to head to Panera to pick up bagels for my team. As I'm runnin' later than the Rabbit from Alice in Wonderland, I figure "ehhhhh" and table that idea until another day. I don't have time for coffee - I still have I-4 traffic to deal with.

As I am zipping down the street, I see something scurry across my window. There, looking at me with a wide eyed "Oh CRAP" expression, is a friend of the fuzzball aka one of the Lizards from the complex. The little lizard is holding on for dear life to the windshield wipers and, as his gills are blowing in the breeze I think "Dammit - I have to let him off. Where to pull over?" I couldn't pull over as there were tree workers everywhere still cleaning up debris and trimming the trees in advance of the next hurricane that, I'm sure, will barrel our way. I tried to tell my lead foot to slow its role but the idiots behind me were having none of that. All I could think of was "HOLD ON LIZARD" as I had to turn to the next street.

See, I can cuss out a person with nary a regret but an animal getting hurt, I will get all weepy and ish so nope, this lizard won't jump to his demise on my watch. And, like a lightbulb going off, it hits me. There is a STARBUCKS is a bit further down the road.

Final outcome:

The Lizard jumped to safety, I had coffee and on I went with my day knowing that his poor little scared expression won't be as scared now that he's moved on to calmer places. I just hope he learns how to safely cross a parking lot.

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Posted by Lys :: 6:07 PM :: 5 comments

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