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Oh What A Weekend...

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Just Because...
Just Because...

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Oh What A Weekend...

Hell, oh what a weekend...

Yeah, I know - I was MIA from blogging but, since I was in Philly, forgive a gal? The hotel and the internet connection was spotty, at best.

Speaking of hotel, the hotel and I thisclose to a "Come to Jesus" session. If you want a ball dropped, let me know and I'll give you this hotel name. UGH! I will never - stress NEVER - stay in Northeast Philly again. Talk about east flippin' boondocks.

So, here's a funny story. I wake up at the crack of dawn (after getting in a little late last night), see the bill slipped under the door, go through the charges and glaring out at me is a charge for PayTV. I call the Front Desk to question the $13.90 charge and they tell me we ordered something at 5:18 a.m. on 11/7. First of all, on Nov. 7th at 5:18 a.m., I can honestly say I was dead to the world and drained. I worked like a fool earlier in the week and had been up for 24 hours as I didn't sleep on Wednesday night so I could catch my early morning flight. Secondly, there was no movie ordering going on up in this joint - we were, quite simply, too busy. Between the shopping, the party, the hanging out at the Bourbon for not one, not two but THREE nights, the massive amounts of cocktails imbibed, the numerous argument sessions with the GPS system, mediating the North & South arguments about what makes a redneck (*glaring at Meowmix and Rifleman*) and other important stuff - a movie in the room was NOT on the agenda. However, I'm sure the adjacent room who ordered whatever movie must have enjoyed it. Just don't tell me the title, 'k?

There's alot to recount but I have to say this much. A good time was had by all. My friends are amazing. Meowmix and Reese did a fabu job. I can't thank either one of them enough. They will forever have my back as I have theirs.

Today, I head to the airport to drop off Meowmix and Reese, head over to Cherry Hill to spend a moment at Justine's grave and then it's back to OTown for me. And, as it always happens, when I leave, I'll miss Philly just a little bit more than the last time, as well as my friends here. I have some wonderful people in my life and they made this weekend all the more special.

I'll be back soon enough...

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